Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sharrai Used Car Classified Ads

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you get the most out of our app. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Looking for car

Yes. The Sharrai classified site and mobile app are 100% free for both buyers. However, there is a fee for sellers. Please review our seller packages here.
Some cars, from dealers, will be located at the Souq Al Haraj in Sharjah. Others will be located elsewhere throughout the UAE, depending on each independant user car seller.
You can contact sellers directly and easily within the Sharrai mobile app.
No, there is no commission or hidden fees that should be payed, searching for your car is 100% free service.

Selling Cars

Yes, anyone can sell their car on the Sharrai used car classified site and app. It is no longer restricted to dealers only. Individual sellers can register and list a vehicle immediately.
Yes, you can easily create your account via the website or the mobile app by filling the required registration form and attach a copy of your contract. Just go to the Sign up page and follow the instructions.
Limitations for the number of cars a dealer can sell using the Sharrai app is dependant on the seller plan that they have selected. Please review our seller packages here to see which one will suit your needs.
Uploading a vehicle as a seller is very easy. You just sign-up and click on create new ad. From there, you would fill out your car info, seamlessly pay ad fees, and your ad is submitted!
Our support team usually takes less than 24 hours to review and publish the ad, or otherwise, request you to update some fields if needed.

Still Didn't Get Your Answer?

If you didn't find the answer to your question in our FAQ page, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help!

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Sharrai Car Classified Ads, one of many prestigious projects launched by Sharjah Asset Management, was established to support the growing Sharjah automotive industry

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